Juice making

Multiple families work together and get an income by producing and selling fruitjuices in Kigali. They have to co-operate as a team to make it a succesful business. A small amount of the total income will be spend on education of the children and ten percent is put aside to support the new Goatfarm-project in another Provence.

The special families, a group of twentyfive, make and sell juice in a co-operative called Bonberger’s Mister Juice.

Local Arch Bishop Justin Kayatina is the local leader and advisor. He devides the money Bonberger sets aside for them, so families can buy fruit and yoghurt.

In the first stage in 2006, Bonberger donated a fridge, carry-on coolers, a riding fruitstall, blenders, cups, straws and even a uniform. With the professional equipment, the market of Kigali soon became the place to refresh yourself. And it still is now.

People can buy fruit juices or fruit youghurts in different sizes.

A small cup cost 300RF and a big one 500RF. At the end of the week the co-operative shares the money: a small sum is spend on the education of the children involved.

Ten percent of the total is put away on a bank account. This money will help a group of women in the town of Gitarama, to start up a goat project.


A long time ago, King Mutara IV of Rwanda, started a tradition of inviting children to his church on a sunday, and serve them a jug of milk.

Milk is ofcourse a nutritious drink and therefore beneficial for children. But in Rwanda it also carries a deeper meaning. You should visit a good friend with milk and honey as a sign of friendship. And milk stands for purity and people who drink it will be intelligent and good.

Later on, this tradition got carried on by the royal family, by means of Joss’ mother. After the genocide, Joss took the task upon her to continue sharing milk untill she left the country herself.

But the people still pleeded for her help. In order to help them, she started Bon berger in 2006. Milk is now mixed with fruits to make drinks that the families can sell in order to provide an income for them.

Our Sponsors

Princess Margarita is Patron of our Project